Is Your Life up in Flames?

 Maybe you're like me tonight, laying in bed feeling like your life is in up in flames in all areas of your life.  Your personal life, your spiritual life, your work life, everywhere you turn is burning.  Can I pull you in close tonight, hold your face and whisper it's okay?  As horrifying the thoughts and feelings of life being on fire, it truly is okay.  It can melt, and it can harden, or blacken the soul.  There is hope still in what seems a lost cause.  Can I encourage you with tears in my own eyes, submit to the burning God has allowed in your life.  The burning away of things that don't belong, the burning that will make you shine bright as gold that is in all of us, the burning down to fertile ground where new life can begin to grow.  Where God can come into our lives and pick up all the ashes and give us something even more beautiful.  Give it to Him as an offering, and receive the new.  Don't waller around in your ashes for too long.  It doesn't matter how you got to this point in your life, what started the fire, or how you can put it out.  What matters is that you know who is with you in the fire, and that you know you are being refined.  It matters that in all of it God will be glorified.  

Rest in God tonight.  He isn't afraid of your life.  You are not past his reach and touch of healing.  Be content in His hands.  I know it feels like your tears are enough to put out this fire.  God is your peace, and there is nothing to be afraid of. 


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