In Him We Have Redemption

 “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins,
according to the riches of His grace.”
Ephesians 1:7

I was reading in Genesis this morning pondering the difference in offerings that Cain and Abel gave God. More so the persons of who they were. I see Abel very much being a shadow of King David and later the person of Jesus. Abel’s name meant ‘breath’ or ‘nothing.’ He was a keeper of sheep. Not sure how many trades there were in the beginning. Typically, in the context of the Bible being a sheep keeper was a very low job. It was maybe a step up from being a leper. Cain was a first born, he worked the ground that was already cursed because of the sins of his parents. There isn't a lot of background given, all we know is Cain brought an offering of the work of his hands, and Abel brought his offering of the firstborn of a flock, and it's fat. "And the LORD respected Abel's offering, but He did not respect Cain and his offering."

When we dig further into the scripture and apply hermanutics, letting the scripture interpret scripture, we learn that BY FAITH Abel offered to the Lord. We read in the Hall of Faith passage from Hebrews this truth. 11:4 states, "By faith Abel offered a more excellent sacrifice than Cain to God."

I know we like to think of ourselves as the righteous one, the good guy doing the right thing in our Bible readings. We are never like the whining children of Israel, we aren't the wicked that got taken by the flood, we aren't Gomer the whore God had Hosea marry, and by God we aren't Cain a murder! But we are, the "villain" of every scripture we read. I know I am. There is nothing good in me but a sorry rebel in incredible need of mercy on my soul.

God didn't have anything against what Cain brought, it was Cain's heart and how he brought the offering.  Surface, if you are looking through Gospel and Evangelism lens the stark contrast shouts that Cain was screwed from the beginning in the way of Abel brought the firstborn blood lamb sacrifice.  That scarlet thread of redemption that runs through the generations and pages of the Bible, and this life.  But Cain wasn't accepted by God because he didn't have a blood sacrifice.  It has always been faith that has saved us.  Yes, there is foreshadow, and threads of scarlet that point directly to Jesus.  Cain could please God, but chose not to.  We see the Lord spoke directly to Cain, "If you do well, will you not be accepted?  And if you do not do well sin lies at the door.  And its desire is for you but you should rule over it."  God is willing to give grace and another try for Cain to change his heart, and repent.  Cain could have easily fallen on his face before God and said forgive me for not doing what is pleasing to You, Lord, allow me to approach you again with an offering that will bless You and show you how much I love you, and believes You will bless me.  Cain instead let resentment build and hatred, and it turned into violence leading to the murder of Abel.  

I believe this is where we are as a country right now.   So much violence in our land, so much resentfulness, hatred toward their brother to the point that murder is everywhere we look.  Babies are murdered.  Husbands are murdered.  Sons are murdered.  Wives, mothers, fathers...

In our eyes justice would be life for a life.  Shoot the men who shot the innocent boy.  Throw rocks at the mother who aborted her baby.  When it comes to Cain, he was exiled to a land and life of wandering in Nod and he feared for his life!  Yet God showed him Grace, he put a mark on Cain to protect him, and if anyone killed him, they would get seven-fold vengeance.

God has been whispering in my ear lately, "There is always a way to Redemption."  He is full of mercy, and grace.  While we still feel the pain of disobedience, and the curse of sin, God is still reaching for us.  By faith I can believe He will give me another try to do the right thing, to get my heart right and repent of my ways.  God is teaching a powerful life tool in what he says to Cain that cannot be missed!!  

"If you do well, will you not be accepted?  And if you do not do well sin lies at the door.  And its desire is for you but you should rule over it."

Sins desire is to control.  Choices have consequences, not only that, it sets a chain of events that goes deeper and deeper the wrong way.  When it comes to Cain what started with bringing an offering to God ended in murder of his brother.  It doesn't take much or long for sin to take root and roll you down the hill.  God is saying here, take control of yourself!  Make right in yourself what is not right in you, i.e. change your attitude, and actions.  We also have authority through the redemption of Jesus Christ to power over the world, flesh, the devil and his schemes.  1 John 4:4  We have the power to stop the rule of Satan in our lives.  

I pray we will extend this frame of thought to the world around us.  When we want to condemn people to hell for their sins, may we look to ourselves and be cautious of the sin waiting to take us down.  Most of all I pray we all turn our eyes to Jesus looking to Heaven for all of its glory to break loose in our lives, in our country, and our world.  


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