An Awareness of God's Goodness


Oh, Hi!  Yes, that's me over there.  Thanksgiving I was happy to wear my newly ordered "Goodness of God" shirt.  It seemed like a perfect day to tear it out of the package (finally) and throw it on.  Who would think that a t-shirt could focus your mind to think on the message it proclaims.  I fell in love with this song the very moment I heard it years ago.  I want it played all my life whatever that looks like day to day, at graduations, wedding, baby, birthdays...and even my death.  "All my life He has been faithful."

I've worn it the past few days.  Y'all have to know I love, and live in t-shirts.  I will wear it over and over before I wash it.  But my mind stayed fixated on my shirt walking around in it, and it brought me to an awareness of God in my life.  I began to describe the things I was doing and ending it with " the goodness of God." I'm going to bed in the goodness of God, I'm going to church in the goodness of God, I'm brushing my teeth in the goodness of God, cooking lunch in the goodness of God...every action performed throughout my day...walking, cleaning, singing! To the glory and goodness of God!

God truly can be found among the simple things in our lives, and He wants glory in it all because He has given it all to us. Even the hard things we don't understand, sickness, loneliness, and depression. Hard family members, loss of family members, God is in it all. It's a test or testimony, both give Him glory...even if you fail the test, THANK GOD He will test you again and again and again until you finally get it right and learn! I speak from experience. Those children of Israel sure did circle that mountain again and again and again. That is God's faithfulness. His faithfulness isn't contingent on our behavior, or what He gives us in the way of things and what we want. It is the faithfulness of my Shepherd as in the 23 Psalm, I walk through darkness, He is with me, and surely His goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life. All the situations we get ourselves into, the bad decisions we make devoid of seeking Him, every valley and victory we encounter the Goodness of God.


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