Random stuff

I like to be random in stuff, and funny. My mom loves me! She thinks I'm the coolest, and she's right I am the coolest, totally make your world rock!!

It's funny my brother and I are night and day from each other. He likes classical music, he plays the violin, and he is more low key. He's big into politics, he's going to be president one day....vote for him. He's big into the computer stuff, techno geek, I've tried to talk him into being on the Geek Squad at Best Buy. He knows all about electronics, he's smart in about everything. Everyone loves Nathan, he's the center of attention of everything.

Me on the other hand, I am totally wide open say what is on my mind. I love rock and roll, well you can tell from my music list what I like Music wise, I've always been in love with piano, I can take classical music on the piano alone. But I love my guitars and drums whatever makes a lot of noise. I'm not a big political person, it starts to get on my nerves after a while, I get what information I need and when I make a decision on who to vote for that's it. I worked at an electronic store while we lived in Burgaw and I totally did not know anything about what all those little things did. Thankfully I was more on the administration side, doing the books and type setting and copying stuff. Anyway. I'm laid back too, when I want to be. I'm not very smart about stuff, not as smart as my brother anyway, I try to keep my mouth shut while I'm around him.

My family has this thing called "allyisms", I have a hard time reading sometimes...it's funny, unless I'm in public them I'm just confused and stand there looking stupid like what is that word. But I say words wrong, I jumble the letters up. They started writing down these stupid mistakes and want to publish it. Good thing about it, I've gotten smarter, learned from it. So it's all good, and it makes people laugh, so they laugh with me instead of at me. You have to learn to laugh at yourself, it makes you feel better.

Well all for now!!


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