Life is Precious

Most everyday I am reminded of how precious life is. We are not promised tomorrow, the next hour, or even the next minute. I have grieved family members deaths, friends deaths, and although I should rejoice that they are in a much better place; I miss them in my life.
Most of my early teen years and even some in my adult life I remember not wanting to live. But when I go to bed at night and think, I take a step back, and I look at my life. I ponder all that God has brought me through, all the awesome people he has put in my life, all the opportunities He has blessed me with. I wouldn't miss what I have right now for the world.
I try to let all the people I love know just how much they mean to me. I want them to know my life has never been the same since God placed them there. I want to hug them as much as possible. I want to keep learning and gleaning wisdom from them. Most importantly, I would hope that above all, my friends know Jesus Christ as their Savior. That I don't leave this world without have opening up the scripture to my loved ones and telling them of their Savior. Whether they accept Him or not, thats up to them. If I have not done this, I have not been a good friend, and haven't shown you true love.
Life is precious from the time we are conceived in the womb, to the time we die. We are precious in HIS sight, and to others.


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