The Healer

The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, "Samuel! Samuel!" Then Samuel said, "Speak, for your servant is listening."
1 Samuel 3:10
I had just gone to bed then God spoke. God speaks to me most at night, or I listen better at night. In the stillness of the night He has my attention more so than during the day. I'm always aware of His presence in my life and around me, and I am always listening for His voice; however, it seems like He speaks to me at night. Most of the things He tells me might just be for me, but other things I think He would want me to share. I love when He speaks to me at night, because I fall asleep with His voice in my ear, and resting in His perfect, loving arms.
Lately, God has been reminding me of His healing power. That, it is more than just a physical healing power, but He can heal lots of other things too, such as, relationships, emotions, hurts, brokenness, etc. whatever is broken He can fix. People forget this I think. When we hear the word healer, a physical healing will automatically come to mind. Which that's wonderful, I'm glad He's my physical healer. However, I'm glad he can heal my brokenness, and the hurts and wounds life has brought on. I'm glad he has the power to restore relationships.
I know in my personal life I have gone through so much that has required my Healer to heal me in every way He CAN heal. He continues to heal me everyday. Life has brought brokenness, God Himself has broken me, but He has re-crafted me, and molded me into something better. Lots of hurts have occurred, some cut deeper than others. We've already established a few posts ago, however, that Jesus wore all our hurts and scars when He died on the cross. I struggle with giving my hurts to Jesus, but we have to! We can't hang on to them, they make us bitter, and anxious...they cause high blood pressure and unwanted health problems. Isaiah 53 says, "He was despised and rejected, yet, it was our weaknesses He carried; our sorrows that weighed Him down. By His wounds we were healed." Jesus finished everything on the cross, He overcame every heart ache, every trial, every problem. Jesus even says so himself in John 16:33 "I have told you all this so that you may have PEACE in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. BUT, take heart, because I have overcome the world." He is our Healer, our Jehovah Raffa.
Maybe He wants to speak healing words into your life. Don't worry I don't take up that much space in His arms, there is room for you. Maybe you need to be like Samuel and when God speaks your name you need to reply, "Speak, Lord, your servant is listening." Do you know how healing it is just to be in His arms? Do you know where you are when you are in His arms? You are sheltered safe where no one can harm you. Hidden under his wing, covered within His mighty hand.
Whatever you might be facing, it's not to difficult for God, allow Him to be your healer. Fall asleep in His arms tonight.
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