The No Fear Project

Do you know someone who needs to be reminded not to fear? Looking for a meaningful gift? The gift of scripture is one that keeps giving.
There are 50 cards per set. Each card with a scripture verse and prayer.
I am currently selling them at $7.50 each.
If you would like to order one please contact me:

Allison Baker

In November of 2010 God gave me this project. Inspired by a phrase I heard in a sermon that "Do Not Fear" is written in the Bible 365 times, on for every day got me thinking how can I convey people that we are not to fear? One of my gifts is encouragement. It says in Romans 12:8 "If your gift is encouragement, then do it!" So I set out on a mission to find where all Jesus says "Do Not Fear" and where God says "Do Not Fear." It was just as encouraging to me to do this project. It was at a time in my life when I needed those words spoken into my life. We all need these words spoken into our lives. As Christians we have to continually fill our selves with the Holy Spirit. This collection of Bible verses are meant to encourage you and strengthen you. They are taken from The Word of God which is alive and active.
(Heb. 4:12). We have nothing to fear because the Bible is truth and our only offensive weapon. Nothing is impossible with God. The Holy Spirit will remind you of the many gifts that He has given you, and how He has given us himself. If you go back and read a few posts ago "The Fruits of the Spirit" we talked about how, when we need the comforter, God doesn't only comfort us He sends his spirit which is comfort.
And in that we will become more thankful. As you grow in thankfulness to God, you will grow in faith. Read the cards again and again. Put them where you need a reminder not to fear.

I will be moving this content to a page soon.


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