To the Ends of the Earth for Jesus

United - To the Ends of the Earth .mp3
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I receive my Voice of the Martyrs newsletter I look forward to getting every month. My faith is always encouraged and stretched as I read how God is moving overseas, and informed on how I can help. In this particular newsletter the words: "How far would you go to deliver a Bible?" As I have been thinking about missionary work lately this question became even more relevant. So I read the information and article and was convicted that I must participate in this project and tell all my friends about it. Colombia Parachute Packs are available for purchase through Voice of the Martyrs. A pack of 10 is $10.00, and a pack of $30 is $25.00. Each pack contains supplies and instructions for making the parachutes that will be used to drop Bibles, radios, and Christian literature into the jungles of Colombia. We would also have to send an additional $5.00 back to cover cost getting it to Colombia. This country is currently in war, and a hostile area to Christians who are victims of violence because of their witness. I feel if we all go in together we can get a lot done, and feel good knowing we have obeyed God in His command to Go and tell the nations about Him (Matthew 28). Russell, a co worker with Voice of the Martyrs will take the Bibles and throw them out of a plane into the jungles of Colombia in South America. How cool is that? He is risking his life as he does this. He states that, "I've been shot at a few times, but I've seen many guerrillas turn from their violent ways after reading the Bible and listening to our radio broadcasts." He further explained, "If we want peace in Colombia, we have to point people, even terrorists, to the true source of peace and forgiveness."

At the moment of reading this article, I knew this is something God wants me to do. I'm trying to get a group together here in the Charlotte area to do it with with me. I've had a few people confirm. If you are interested in doing this project with me, just comment or e-mail me at for the details. You can also visit

Watching and waiting for our Savior


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