The Motions

 Casting Crowns - Set Me Free .mp3
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I heard a table full of guys at school talking today. I was listening in, of course. They were talking about how they felt like they went through the motions at church anymore, like how they couldn't get excited about God anymore, and how it didn't have any meaning for them anymore. It broke my heart, one, because I could identify with them, and two, because already at a young age God was becoming uninteresting to them. So being the deep thinker I am, I got to thinking why we go through the motions of church? Does it really get that boring? Are we really that unattached?
Then I thought the awesome sermon my pastor preached yesterday, it wasn't anything I had never studied for myself, but it's good to be reminded what a good worship service is like. We were in what I call "the joyful book" Nehemiah 8. Here is what my pastor highlighted based on this chapter....yes you need to go read it. I'll also add some of my commentary on here and how I interpret these points:
1. The peoples hearts were spiritually sensitive
2. They came ready to worship, anticipating what God was going to do.
3. The people were unified. We have to be unified as one people, the church, basing our oneness on The Word of God, not our denomination or background. We belong to each other because we belong to Christ. Don't be a fruit inspector, be a fruit producer. We all struggle with this at one point or another. If you go looking for something wrong, you are going to find it. Let God be the fruit inspector, He doesn't need help with His job.
4. To Hear the Word. Our lives can be changed when we hear the truth from God's Word. It should answer "How does this apply to my life?" Becoming actively involved.
5. They were there a long time in worship service. We have gotten to be a complicated people with things to do these days. It's not a bad thing. But sometimes we can rust God. I would LOVE to go experience a worship service at Brooklyn Tabernacle in New York, they worship literally all day. WOW! I believe that when we come to church it gives us a boost to continue the worship service throughout the week until we can get some more Wednesday, if we choose.
6. There was reverence for the scripture. They stood at the reading of the Scripture. The Bible contains the mind of God. the state of man, the way of Salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers. It's doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, it's histories are true, and its decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you. It is the traveler's map, the pilgrim's staff, the pilot's compass, the soldiers sword, the Christians character. Here Paradise is restored, Heaven opened, and the gates of Hell disclosed. Christ is the grand subject, our good the design, and the glory of God its end. It should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet. Read it slowly, frequently, and prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasure. It is given to you in life, will be opened at the judgment, and be remembered forever. It involves the highest responsibility, will reward the greatest labor, and will condemn all who trifle with its sacred contents. And that is why we stand out of reverence for His Word!
7. The people understood what was being taught.
9. They had remorse and repentance for their sin. The power of God's Word convicts the soul to repent. This fact scares the living daylights out of us, to be shown where we mess up. It's pride, known as "a deadly sin." I struggle with it personally. I've told you I try to be perfect not mess up. So prideful. That's for another blog post though ;).
10. They celebrated together with joy because the joy of the Lord was their strength. We can also celebrate for being free after repentance and God taking that burden away. Our chains and bondage keep us from experiencing the joy of the Lord, and going through the motions is bondage because you no longer feel God move. There is a reason to celebrate when you are set free!
One thing I'm trying to get into the habit of is, meditating on the sermon or teachings I hear through the week. What can I do in the week ahead to put this teaching in action, going back to how it can apply to our lives, and how can we actively involve ourselves in the scripture and what God is doing? What scriptures can I read? How does the teachings impact my prayer life? How can I live the message? That is how you avoid "going through the motions." Don't entertain the thoughts of not wanting to go to church and how you don't ever feel anything when you go. I'm preaching to me too. I email my folks and say I don't feel like going, and they are like, it's your choice. They are right. It's my choice how I'm going to react and if my butt is going to be in the pew, not as a word, but because I've been anticipating encountering Him and being in His presence see what He will do among His people, and what He wants me to receive.


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