Forgiveness- Just Do It!

How many Bible studies do you need to take before you can get it through your head that you just might need to put some action to what you learn in those Bible Studies? I'm not bashing Bible Studies, and I'm not judging or bashing you. They are great, and you are great, but when you keep "learning" the same stuff then comes time to do it, you freak out and put yourself back on the prayer list. The majority of us know a lot, it's just the doing it part. One thing about Jesus in his ministry here on Earth he required people to take action if they wanted healing or a miracle. Take the story of Lazarus for example: Jesus told Mary and Martha to roll the stone away from the grave....

Not that kind of rolling stone, HAHA! Sorry, couldn't resist. Rock on my fellow rockers! \m/ >.< \m/
Grab your Bible and turn to John 11:39-44:
Jesus was like, you want to see some action? You start, show me your faith. I love Jesus, he cracks me up at times reading the gospels, especially Matthew. Anyway. So Mary and Martha are like "What! Jesus, you want to smell a man that has been dead for 4 days?" How about you, do you like the smell of the unforgiveness you hold, or whatever you keep held up inside of you that needs to go? So Jesus called Lazarus out, and Lazarus came out graveclothes and all. Then Jesus said, "Unwrap Him and let Him go!" Many of the things like forgivness we have to peel away one layer at a time, like graveclothes, and that's cool. I don't think Jesus was teaching specifically about Forgiveness in this story but it sure does work. Jesus doesn't want us to hold people captive in our unforgiveness towards them. C.S. Lewis said, "Everyone says forgiveness is a lovely idea, until they have something to forgive."
The main point I want to drive is, "Just do it." Be a verb. Take action. Do you know the shortest verse of the Bible is located in the chapter we just looked at, and it's an action verse? John 11:35 "Then Jesus wept." He wept for Lazarus, his friend who had died. Why else do you think he was weeping? I recently heard a good insight on this: Jesus wept because he knew Lazarus was in Paradise, and he had to bring him back to Earth that was not Paradise...I think I'd be weeping too. When I die, let me stay dead and in Heaven, don't anyone try to pray me back or pray for me when I'm sick and at deaths door...PLEASE let me die in this world.
Peace Out! Hope this post makes sense.


  1. our flesh...don't have the ability to forgive. Only He can, through us.

    And the other thing that struck me with this was the passage "Jesus wept". Been on my mind this week. If He wept.....then why are some of us so unable to weep for the salvation of others? (if that makes any sense at all)


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