Living Life

I love Fridays for a couple of reasons. One, I don't have classes, Two, it's a perfect day to recharge myself and get things done. Today, however, I let it be a quiet thoughtful day. I heard a very inspiring lecture yesterday from the woman who write and travels. I took all her advise to heart and have been what I call, "REALLY living life" today. It is so easy to get caught up in our everyday routine schedules, and it's like we're not even living in the world observing and seeing what is there. One of the MANY things my English professor has taught me this semester is that it's important to sit outside in sunshine and breath. Apart of the regrouping, and focusing process requires us to get in the world and determine what is real and what is not...if that makes sense. What I tend to do...and this is really bad don't copy me, I set myself up for collapse by not eating, drinking water, sleeping, guilting and shaming myself, listening to voices, and forgetting to breath because I feel like I don't have time to do these things. So today was a regrouping day. I listened to the sounds of the world around me. I smelled what was around me...which was good uptown tonight. I watched birds, people, cars, whatever there was to see around me, and appreciated it all. As a result I wrote some awesome poetry and had major thought breakthroughs! Just the sense of actually living is awesome.
There is a lot to enjoy in life, we just have to do it. We have get outside and let the sun soak in our skin, let the slight nice breeze comb through your hair and over your face, let your ears hear, your nose smell, and your eyes see. We have to feel again. There is a inner poet in all of us. We just have to do the correct things to unlock it.


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