Consistency, Initiative, Attendance

My English Professor taught me a lot this semester, especially in life skills and how to be successful in every area of life. Some great qualities to possess are: Consistency, Initiative, and Attendance. When she lectured on this, she was talking in the context of school, however, this can relate to anything in life.

Like rain is consistent, we have to be consistent in work, in things that really matter how hard they get. It's about "constantly adhering to the same principles and course; not contradicting yourself."
Many times people around us will say negative things, and it can get us down and discouraged about a class or work project. That is when we can take the INITIATIVE to step up and tell somebody what's up...right? It's all about being a leader. For me, this is the hardest thing to do because, not only do I fight voices in the world, but like many others, I fight voices in my head saying I am worthless and will never measure up. Duct tape the voices, and as my theatre appreciation professor told me say, "No, thank you. That's enough." Don't worry about people staring at you, if it works, do it. Initiative means being responsible in making your own decisions; it is taking the leadership role in the things around you.
Finally, attendance plays a crucial role in anything we do in life. When you attend class it shows the professor you are fully committed to the class and to learning. When you attend work when you're suppose to it shows your boss you are committed to the company and care about your life career path. You don't earn a degree or paycheck for nothing.

When these 3 things are achieved, we build respect, and build strong lives for ourself and the things we are able to achieve.


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