You Can Do It!

In my one of my favorite theatre productions, "My Fair Lady," Eliza Doolittle is trying to learn how to be a proper lady. Her teacher, Henry Higgins, is teaching her how to speak like a lady, dress like a lady, carry herself, and dress like a lady. The speaking part is a little tricky...."the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain" is what Eliza has to learn to say properly. Many times Eliza felt like giving up, she didn't see the potential in herself that Professor Higgins saw; because the eminent linguistics professor, treated her like a lady, she began living up to his expectations.
I have come to realize that sometimes my managers at work are hard on me sometimes because I make excuses for why I may slack off and not live up the the fullest potential they see in me. We don't realize our own potential that's why others have to bring it out of us. We all need potential and word's of life spoken into our lives. I was telling someone earlier today, it's kinda like we are all interconnected. The people who speak life into you have people who speak life into them, so it's a never ending cycle. The people you speak life into will in turn speak life into other people. I find it most amusing.
I'm so thankful, and love the people who have impacted my life in this way. Who will not accept the lesser I have to give because it's not my best. I'm thankful for the teachers who bring out the best in me and make me strive to do well in their class and be all I can be in my work. I'm thankful for my English instructor who, though I had never written a 6-8 page paper before she didn't expect any less of me because she knew I could do it. I'm thankful for my Reading instructor who I had my first semester in college still check up on me and make sure I am giving it my all. She keeps me straight. And I'm thankful for my theatre appreciation instructor whose class changed my life, and she changed my life. It's amazing what you can learn just watching people, and how the littlest comment can make such a huge impact. I'm thankful for my sister, and good friend who has become like my sister....she is my sister in Christ. I'm thankful for her example in my life and how she tells me all the time that I can do it.
There is not one person alive who is not full of potential. It doesn't matter if your daddy told you your worth or not, we all have a good loving and caring daddy in Heaven who wants to give you great things in life, He wants you to gain the promised land, but we reject Him. It's like I was talking about in the Oedipus post, He controls all of our destinies...we just have to receive it through Him.
So friend reading this post, I'm telling you today, "YOU CAN DO IT!" There is potential for your life no matter how hopeless it looks. You don't get to control your destiny, only God has that territory, and I'm telling you He has great plans for your life. We have to get still and listen for His voice, we have to pray. As my theatre appreciation instructor puts it..."You gotta go to Moscow!" In other words, you gotta get up off the coach and do something, you can't just remain idle and expect something incredible to happen. You have to go to where it's at, and it's going to be hard, but that's just life it's hard but I promise if you do it in the name of Jesus you will reap a harvest for what you have sown. You can do it!


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