
Since my struggle with this awful problem, and my survival, it is my goal to reach out to those who are in this helpless state of mind and show them the love of Christ, and that hope still exists even when it looks like the darkest hour of life. I struggled with these thoughts as a non-Christian and baby believer. Suicide is a frame of mind, it is more than just an action. The mind must be renewed and changed through the message and Hope of God's word, and His power that is put in us through the Holy Spirit.
Can you be a Christian and consider taking your own life? If asked this question, I would answer yes. Though the Bible doesn't give a simple here is what God says specifically answer, the Bible does give helpful principles to stand on. One thing about life and someone contemplating suicide is that it's messy. There is no simple way apart from Jesus to try to manage or explain it. Believe it or not there is a prophet in the Bible who cursed the day he was born, "my life has been filled with nothing but trouble, sorrow, and shame!" this prophet exclaims as he pours his heart to God. If you said Job, not quite, it's Jeremiah! The weeping prophet.
The one thing all suicidal people lack is hope. People wonder how Christians can loose hope when they know the one who is Hope. This matter is hard to explain, but in simple terms, the fact of the matter is Christian who face the thought of suicide have fallen by the way side, no longer reading their Bible or Praying. They allow Satan to rob them of the Hope they find in Christ. In the addiction ministry we call this becoming bewitched by Satan. There is one mission Satan has in His limited time here on Earth and that is to kill, steal and destroy, Christians and all. He is a liar and cheater. Do not listen to the lies he whispers in your ear. While suicide is not an unforgivable sin, it doesn't take away the severity of the pride, and selfishness, and hateful act of killing yourself. Do you know what suicide says to God? It says, "Look, God, you goofed when you let me slip into this world. So I'm going to correct your mistake." One trespasses on Holy ground when they play God like that.
Things can get better, sometimes all it takes is time. Again, this is a good place to start worshiping God; praise Him in the storm. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. It's like cutting your leg off because your little toe hurts. God cares about your pain, even when no one else seems to care. I love the hymn, "Because He Lives." In the times that I am feeling like I cannot face another day I sing the hymn. "Because He lives I can face tomorrow, all fear is gone because He lives, He holds the future, and life is worth living Because He lives."
Oh Christian, that you would stand firm in God's truth and promises for your life that is found in Jesus. That you would be the example to the lost. That you would learn to resist the devil with the Sword of the Spirit, and cloth yourself in the armor of Christ. I'm not saying you cannot have these thoughts, but we have been called to something better, something higher. We have hope. There is always hope! Hope is not optimism. Optimism is faith in humans and human potential. Hope is rooted in someone beyond ourselves. How is relinquishing control over life in the sense of entrusting the future to this Holy One who offers nothing more than a promise. We do not cling to hope trying to manage. That is not hope at all. That is merely an attempt to control, to maintain the status quo which inevitably ends in death. "So I pray that God, who gives you hope, will keep you happy and full of peace as you believe in him. May you overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit." -Romans 15:13
According to American Association of Suicidology" in 2007 there were 34,598 suicides in the United States, broken down that equals, 94.8 suicides a day=1 suicide every 15 minutes. Suicide is the 11th leading cause of death, the 3rd among teens. This is 100% preventable. I pray that Christians will rise to the occasion and help.
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