Wherever You Go

"Have not I commanded you? Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
-Joshua 1:9

10 years ago or so, my youth leader Mrs. Patsy Surles gave me this little pillow hanger. Mrs. Patsy had a huge impact on my life in the developing years of my life. This verse has meant a lot in my life, this pillow has hung on my door in all the different places we have lived reminding me that "the Lord is with me wherever I go." In the context of this verse we read that Joshua's new job consisted of leading more than 2 million people into a strange new land and conquering it! Without God new things can be frightening. God assured Joshua He would be with him, so He is with us when we face new challenges.
It's been challenging for me personally to move as much as we have. I've been uprooted and taken away from my friends and job and home, but through it all God has always been with me, He will never leave me. I've had to do new a lot. New job, new area, new school, new friends, new house, etc. But one thing has remained strong and true in my life, and that is that the Lord is my rock and I have nothing to fear. He has been with me in my darkest hour, He has been with me on the mountain top. My God, the one true God will never fail you.
Jesus promises us in His great commission to us that, "I am with you always, even to the end of age." (Matthew 28:19) So whatever you are facing today, no matter how hard or how easy it may seem God is with you. He is cheering you on! He is giving you His Holy Spirit so that you can overcome every challenge you face. Put your faith in Him.


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