New Life Event with Safer Communities- Midlands

We arrived in Columbia, SC about 3:00, and we checked into our hotel. My room consists of a king sized bed, and a flat screen TV! That is luxury! It is my prayer that this weekend will be a weekend of spiritual growth.
Last night the service I was in is called Midlands which is a Juvenile Detention Center for boys ages 11-17. I had been to the Midlands before with Student Worship from FBCIT, and had experienced all that goes on there. However, tonight was different, in that in was more one on one with the boys, and more in the real side of things. I was not with a bunch of students trying to get them in order and participating, and all being a leader there involves, don't get me wrong though, I love all of those kids, and I am grateful for every opportunity I have to be a leader among them, and a friend. On this trip I am what they call a prayer warrior. I'm always praying, I pray over where we are going, I prayed over chairs last night that these boys would be sitting in. I prayed that they would receive and hear the Word, that they would become the men God wants them to be.
19 boys were there in attendance, and all received Bibles. I looked at their faces and focused in on one and prayed specifically for him the whole service. He stood out to me he was serious about this, he sat on the edge of his seat hanging on to every word, listening intently. You could see conviction fall on each face. What precious boys, I wanted to hug them all, because I saw such potential in every one of them. Of the 19 boys 12-14 were saved last night. I wish you could have been in the room, and saw how hands flew up, and how they wanted to make sure we saw them, there are no words to describe that moment. Tears weld up in my eyes. God allowed me to pray with 3 of them for their needs and just join in praising God with them. I wrote their names on my hand, so I could copy them in my Bible and continue to pray for them. But you know that's exactly what our Father does, He writes our name on His hand, and He loves us so much. The boy I was praying for specifically did receive Christ and thanked everyone on the team for coming, he was so humbled and grateful. Many times what these boys need, and people like them just need the ministry of personal touch, when I prayed with these boys I held their hand, and put my other hand on their shoulder drawing them in almost like a hug. But it wasn't me, it was Jesus hugging them, and Jesus holding their hand, I was just the vessel. We read a lot in the Bible about the personal touch of Jesus. Did Jesus need to touch people to heal them? Of course not, all he had to do was speak and it was done. Jesus knew we as humans need affection, and a personal touch from the Lord.
The music, "Christ Song" was there ministering as well. What a ministry they have been to me personally. You can visit there website at
The leader of the group, Bobby McGee has quite a powerful story.
I'm looking forward to seeing what today holds. Continue to pray for the whole team here in Columbia, pray for Safer Communities which is based out of Monroe, NC helping people with addictions to prisoners.


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