The Tree of Life in The Garden of Eden

So as of Monday, I am reading through the Bible in 90 days again. I think I will make this a yearly thing. Monday evening as I started reading in Genesis, I picked up on things that I had somewhat missed in all my years of reading the Bible. As many people have stressed in my life, you are never done learning about the Bible, and God and His divineness, and supernaturalness. Hebrews tells us that the Word is alive and active! That in meaning there is always something to learn. So here is what I learned Monday night through my tired eyes.
There were 2 trees placed in the center of the Garden of Eden. One was called, The Tree of Life, and the other, The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. You see, when Satan tempted Eve, he asked, "Can you eat from all these trees?" Eve replied, we can eat from them all but the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. God didn't exclude the tree of Life. Only after Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil did God say, we (meaning He and Jesus, The trinity) must banish them from this garden because the they had access to the tree of life, meaning we would live forever in the knowledge of good and evil. That was not God's plan, because up until the moment that Adam and Eve sinned everything that God had created was perfect. God was walking in the Garden with Adam and Eve. When they knew they had sinned. They felt shame in their nakedness, and covered themselves with fig leaves, and lets get real ya'll fig leaves is not the best idea man had to cover themselves, uumm do you think fig leaves give you a rash maybe? I think so. Adam and Eve heard God walking in the Garden, and they hid because they were naked, why hide, didn't God see them naked all this time? (Just a thought, haha). God had to set things right, he made better clothes for them, but when he banished them from the Garden he did it for the purpose that they would not eat of the tree of life. God has always wanted to be with us in a perfect world. Had they eaten from the tree of life, we would have lived forever in sin. It is then that we see the first picture of salvation, when God gives Adam and Eve animal skins to cover up their "sin", and thus our need for Jesus, and why we read all in the Old Testament the need of animal sacrifices and bloodshed. That is why Jesus came, to pay a debt that we could never pay, but mercy set all of us free, Jesus suffered that we may be whole and out of the very grip of death. We live forever through Him. No one is higher, no one is greater, and no name is sweeter than the name of Jesus. He is the hope of glory for our souls. Let Him fill you with life and hope today.


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