Object of My Affection

"If Jesus was the only object of your affection you would be entirely concerned with Him alone." -Fenelon When you really think about this quote it convicts you. What is the object of your affection? Who is the object of your affection? So many times we so easily come to fault with making the wrong things the object of our affection, in church especially. We end up committing Idolatry. The Websters dictionary defines Idolatry as this: Definition of IDOLATRY 1 : the worship of a physical object as a god 2 : immoderate attachment or devotion to something Pastors can even do this. We have to be really careful who and what becomes the object of our affection at church. It's easy for pastors to make ministry the object of their affection. Church members can easily begin to worship a pastor more than they worship God. In truth, every sin is an idol problem. We don't realize that we make other things the object of our affection, that's the scary part. We must constantly keep our thoughts fixed on God, and meditate on Him throughout the day, even at church. It can even be as simple as music, where we worship the music more than we do who we are singing about. When Jesus is the object of our affection it results in our focus being in the right place and Jesus becomes our Everything again. When was He not ever enough for us? Things that seem uncertain will be more certain when Jesus is leading us, when all of our focus is on Him. And what concerns us, health issues, work issues, church issues won't concern us as much anymore because we have found the peace of God, and the will of the Father in our lives because He is the center and object of who we are and live for. Many times we pray out of the will of God because we are concerned with ourselves and what we want, it becomes the object of our affection. There are times that when people say I'm praying for you, it makes me sick to my stomach to hear those words. I feel we use that word so loosely at times. What needs to change to where Jesus is the only object of your affection?


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