None But Jesus

Today I was in the grocery store with my mom and the song by The Rolling Stones, "You Can't Always Get What You Want" came on the radio. Prior to walking into the store this lady took my parking place and gave me the finger. I was not happy, it was hard for me to scream Jesus loves you at that moment. My Aunt is always encouraging me to find my inner peace with Jesus. Anyway. Today's generation carries around the philosophy that they can get anything and everything they want. Whether by help of government, stealing...whatever. But as I listened to this song I was reminded of the doctrine of Idolatry. You see many times we pray and ask and want for our idols, things that we Worship more than we Worship God. We get frustrated with God when He doesn't give this particular thing to us; He says NO. God answered your prayer in saying no, it isn't unanswered. He is saying no because He knows it is our idol, even when we don't know it yet or realize it. It's really scary when we hit this place in our lives because it puts us in a spiritual funk, and darkness. We become so angry at God, and all God was trying to do was help you keep Him number 1 in your life because He LOVES YOU!
Oh that we would pray and would know that He, God our creator and sustainer of life is all we need, that He would be all we desire, and want, and cherish. What more could you ask for? What more could you need? When you have Jesus, you have everything!! For all of God's promises have been fullfilled in Him. That is why we say "Amen" when we give glory to God through Christ. (2 Corinthians 1:20) When was Jesus not enough? He is everything! But we cease to draw near to Him. Yet, Christ is the very reason we live and breathe, we would have nothing apart from Him.
So I guess the whole lesson here is next time you don't get what you want just take a minute and thank God and draw nearer to Him. It's hard, I know. But God doesn't hate you, He LOVES YOU! He is teaching us to look more like Him, and it is then that your true joy will be found and rooted, not in another car, or job status, or money, or anything this world can give.

That we would desire you, that you would draw us close to you. No one else but you will do for me. You are all I want. Thank you for keeping our idols away from us, you alone deserve our Worship. Help us to see your hand. We love you, you are everything.
In your name, Jesus.


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