
"Instead of believing what they knew was the truth about God they deliberately chose to believe lies. So they worshiped the things God made but not the Creator himself, who is to be praised forever. Amen."
-Romans 1:25

By Paul’s definition, our world, our nation, our city is predominantly pagan. People are very spiritual. What Paul is saying is that there is the truth and the lie: those are the options.
Peter Jones, who has a doctorate in theology, he calls this “oneism and twoism,” so I’ll give him credit here. Oneism is the lie. It goes all the way back to Genesis 1. Satan comes to Adam and Eve and says, “You don’t need God. You can be God.” That’s oneism. Oneism says that essentially all of reality, spiritual and physical, exists in one circle. That there is no distinction between Creator and creation. This is the root of pantheism, that all of the world is divine, and panantheism, that the world as we know contains God as his body. This eliminates distinctions – that’s the whole point. The goal is to get everything in the circle. Everything is one. There are some people who profess to be Christians who even now are encouraging oneism.
The goal is one reality. That means you get rid of the distinction between the Creator, God, and creation, and now God and creation are one. You also are working there for one materialism. That means there’s no distinction between mankind and the rest of creation. This leads to radical environmental rights activism and secular atheism. That’s why when a family builds a home a radical environmental rights activist burns it down. “Why do they do that?” Because they believe that the tree has just as much right to live as the family. They see them as one. They don’t see a distinction.
Again, the point in Genesis 1 is that there are distinctions. There are distinctions between God the Creator and his creation, between humanity as God’s image-bearers, men and women, and animals and plants and fish and birds and beasts. There’s a distinction between night and day. There’s a distinction between land and water. There are distinctions. In oneism the goal is to eradicate all distinctions and bring everything together as one in the circle.
This also leads to one morality. There is no distinction between good and evil. There’s no God outside of the circle that says, “That’s wrong.” We call this postmodernism. So it’s not truth and error. It’s not darkness and light. It’s not lies and truth. It’s perspective and ideology and cultural opinion. This leads as well to one gender. There’s no distinction between men and women. So that’s transgenderism, lesbianism, homosexuality.
The effort as well is for one religion. That means we have to get rid of Jesus because he keeps saying he’s God. And the other religions don’t believe that so Jesus is in the way. Let’s let him be a nice teacher, a moral example – but not God and Savior. We need one religion. That would help everything.
Also it leads to one spirituality. There is no such thing as God and Satan and angels and demons. In books like The Golden Compass they’re all angels, even the demons. This also leads to one divinity, so that there is no distinction between God and us. We’re all one in the circle. That means we don’t look out to God, we look into self. We look for the spark of the divine within. This is American spiritism. “My hope is not in God; I am God. God is in me. I’m part of the divine life force. I’m part of the created order. I’m part of the cosmic energy of the world.” This is the new spirituality.
The Dalai Lama, he said some years ago, “The world used to believe that there were two” – here’s what he said. “We now know there is one.” It’s oneism.
When you see witches, Wicca, get together in a coven in a circle. Most of paganism involves as its symbol the circle. When people get together for interfaith multi-religious worship they gather in a prayer and meditative circle. It’s all oneism. It’s all paganism. It’s all collapsing the distinctions between Creator and creation. And that’s what it is.
We have to be very careful my friends and family. Do not easily trade the truth for a lie. Stay in the Word, it will guide you, it will help you. If your life is not lining up with what the Bible clearly teaches, it isn't Jesus' fault, there is something wrong with you, and I encourage you to take a good long hard look at you and repent. Don't fall into this trap of One-ism. There is a creator God who loves you. He is Creator and we are His creation. We are to worship Him alone.
Now, the alternative, obviously, according to Romans 1 to oneism, is twoism. There is God, and everything that God has made. This is the foundation of a Christian worldview. This is the foundation of how we interpret reality. If you miss this you will not think as a Christian. You will not think biblically. You’ll be a pagan. You’ll still be spiritual. You might even be religious. You might even seek to be moral. But you won’t know the God of the Bible. We'll look more into that later on this week. For now, think on this.


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