
In the above picture is how the majority of people live, survival mode, especially in this economy. However, we were not created to merely make it, to barely get by. It feels that way at times, but the more I study His Word, the more I am seeing that as we obey Him and submit to His will and walk in His ways everything we need is already given to us. We do not realize the full power we posses as Christians through the Spirit. We live below our means spiritually because we have not yet learned to fully obey and love Jesus. I've been reading Deuteronomy 8 over and over here lately, it talks about obedience. This is something God has been teaching me lately, and something I've had to put into practice over the last several months, and should always walk out. Obedience is more than not doing bad things anymore, we obey with our heart, mind, body, finances, and will (we do have freewill as human beings). Obedience leads to blessing, HE does honor our obedience. As we read i...