The Prayer of St. Patrick: Christ in Quiet

...."be still and know that I am God"....
-Psalm 46

If you have read my blog for some time, back in February and March of last year we started a series on the prayer of St. Patrick. In that prayer we were studying how Christ is our Companion through life. I recently started reading the book again.

One of the many things I have been my whole life is quiet. Ask anyone who really knows you and they will agree, but laugh at the same time because, I'm not that quiet around people I love.
God wants us to be still and quiet before Him. In our hectic day to day lives it's hard for us to do. You take a music lover like myself and there is not a lot of silence. If you're a mom there is not silence in your house. It is in the quietness and silence before the Lord when we can hear Him speak to us. He waits to meet us in the quiet. It is in silence that we discover an "imitation of Christ" who withdrew often to the wilderness or garden to pray and seek His Father.
Do you have a quiet place where you can go to and pray, reflect, and hear from God? The Prayer closet. My Sunday school teacher teaches on this often. I like to think of it in the analogy of Superman.
When we go into our prayer closets it's like we go in as Clark Kent, while in our closets we are being transformed, and we emerge Superman. We are able to emerge Superman because of the the Power of the Holy Spirit living within us, and because of His mercies (look back at the last post!!). When we are quiet before the Lord, and in His Word we allow Him to speak to us and fill us with Himself.
David was a quiet man, he was one who desired to be withdrawn and play his guitar for the sheep, and pray. Jacob was quiet and stayed "among the tents" (Genesis 25). It is those who seek the silence of the cave and the solitude of the desert that make themselves available to the One who comes in quiet and attunes the heart to the subtle ways of the Spirit. The Spirit will speak in the quiet. Just look at the prophets, the prophets quiet, as well as his cry, prepares the way of the Lord! We must make ourselves available, thus the Word will be audible.


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