
Showing posts from March, 2012

When the Rabbi Says Come

I pray this video clip speaks to your heart, and challenges you to seek after Jesus. May we all become better disciples of Christ.

Road Trippin'

I got to looking all the grains of sand, and I was like you think about me that much, God?  Really?!  What's more is, His thoughts about us outnumber the grains of sand.  Wow.  I wrote this this other morning reflecting on everything.   Seashells are God's free gift to you. Grains of sand,  God's free reminder that He's thinking of  you. The ocean, the depths of His love. He say's He is  jealous for you, that He loves you; it's true! Just look around you! The tide ebbs and flows, in and  out. The waves never cease, it washes ashore more thoughts, more free gifts. It's a liquid love  that will never run dry. Every morning He sets the stage, could today be the day? Glimpses of  glory He gives us each day. In the gray sober sky, there is a ray of sunshine with the hope of a  promise.   He draws us close in the beauty of His majesty, and sings a song. He wrote a  symph...

Greater is He that is in You!

"But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world." -1 John 4:4 If we are going to understand this verse, we must understand who the Trinity is to a degree. We must understand that outside of the Trinity there is no life. Everything we do as Christians revolves in the Trinity-my worship, my love, prayer...etc. I do it all by the Spirit in me, through Jesus, to the Father. The Father loves the Son, and the Son loves the Father. We belong to the Father, we were made for God the Father, and the victory has been won through the Son in His death on the cross, and resurrection. When we ask Jesus to come live inside of us, we are given the Holy Spirit who is greater because He has overcome anything we will ever encounter in the world. He is greater in us because He loves us! We are made for Him, we belong to Him. Thursday, as I was sitting at Car...

Southern as the Lord Made Me

One of my most favorite and treasured memories is when we lived in Burgaw. We had a front porch with rocking chairs and a swing, my mom always wished for a porch with rocking chairs, and she got her wish for four years. I personally enjoyed spending time out there rocking, watching cars go by and look at the big open sky that hoovered over an open corn field. I remember every morning I would get up, pour a glass of tea, especially in the spring and summer, and meet with Jesus doing my devotions, talking to Him before the day started. At night I would go out there and listen to the crickets chirping, and the frogs croak, the leaves rustle in the wind; just listen to nature’s music. I would close my eyes and relax talking to God praising him for his marvelous workmanship, and his love for me, and how he has taken care of everything in my life. I would rock myself to sleep some nights, resting in the joy of who Jesus is to me. Creation has always inspired me to write. There was ...