Be God's Star

"...the star appeared to them, guiding them to Bethlehem. It went ahead of them and stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were filled with Joy!" -Matthew 2:9-10
When we read about the star in the Christmas story and compare it to the Christian life we see some truths that can be learned as we shine for Jesus. We are to be like the star the wise men followed because of 4 things:
1. It lead them to Jesus.
2. It pointed them to heaven. When you look at a star you have to look up right? We are looking up into the heavens, and at the creation which is the revelation of Christ; the Creator who is to be worship and praised forever. Amen.
3. It brought hope. Jesus is the hope of glory. He is the solution, the answer to the question.
4. It brought joy!
Most importantly, we read that the wise men worshiped Jesus. They saw Him as King who is the true light of the world! People we encounter in our day to day lives are searching for a savior, for joy, so when we are that star that shines, people find Jesus. What's more is people find happiness, and worship Jesus as King.
What's even more fascinating is the fact that they were wise men, very smart people, and God used a star for them to follow. An object we in the city tend to forget since we can't see them exactly. But that is what God does, he uses the least likely object to lead the strong.
If we are going to shine for Jesus, there are some pivotal questions we must ask ourselves first:
1. What obstacles in life keep Christ's light from shining on you, so you can shine out to others?
2. If you are the only Christ some people see, what will they know about Him because of you?
3. How can you let your light shine today-starting with your family, then moving out into your world? What will it mean for you to "Be the change you want to see?"
St. Francis of Assisi once said, "Preach the Gospel at all times. If necessary, use words." Humm...I'll let you ponder that one a while.
We read that the star went ahead of the wise men. I've often been convicted of the fact that our lives should follow the example of John the Baptist whose main calling and goal in life was to prepare the way of the Lord. He forgot about himself, and what he wanted to do and completely surrendered himself to preparing the way for others to know Jesus. His life pointed to Jesus, John the Baptist took no credit but gave it all to God.
Have you noticed it's all about Jesus?
Just as God gave power to the stars to shine, He too stepped into our darkness to empower us to shine for Him. However, many times we hide our light in our insecurities, and uncertainties. To counter this, we must stay in His Word, spending time with Him and allowing Him to illuminate a godliness within us that is irresistible. As a result it will make people wonder what we have. What's that joy? What's that hope? What's that love?
Shine for Him. Be the star that many will follow, prepare the way of the Lord! The true light of the World lights your life!
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