The Gospel Sequence

There is a story in the Gospel message. However, there is no end. The story line follows beginning, middle, beginning structure. Let's start in Genesis...the beginning: Genesis 1:1- "In the beginning, God..." God was in the beginning, He created, and everything was perfect that He created here on earth. In fact He called man, "very good." Psalm 90:2- "Before anything was, there was God..." But something happened, you see, and know that things are not perfect now. What happened? Genesis 3- Until we understand the magnitude of what happened in the garden that day, we'll never understand why there is sin, and so much evil in the world today. Man sinned! Forever separating ourselves from God. As a result: Romans 3:10- "No one is righteous..." SIN! Sounds like hope is lost huh? Romans goes on to say that the wages of sin is death. You must die for the sin you commit according to the law. BUT! There is a hero in this ...