Addiction Ministry

"A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people. 25 Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth. 26 Then they will come to their senses and escape from the devil’s trap. For they have been held captive by him to do whatever he wants." -2 Timothy 2:24-26

Every Tuesday night I serve in my churches Addiction Ministry. Many people get squimmish and shocked when I mention the word addiction and ministry all in one sentence. I can only imagine what mental image they have in their mind. Some people joke, and say things like, are you going to see the addicted people tonight? Some other people question why I serve in this particular ministry, what do I have in common with these people? God has taught me a lot through this ministry, and even more He has lead me to some wonderful friends. He is growing me in this ministry. God uses me there, and the talents He has given me.

I've learned that, the people who go aren't "just a bunch of addicted people." They are people with powerful testimonies to the power and work of God. They are people who God loves so much, He didn't want to leave them in their addictions, so He died for them too. We see in the Gospels of the Bible, during Jesus' ministry that Jesus liked to hang out with people who were far from perfect or had religion. He reached out to those who needed Him most. Jesus is still reaching out to them today. Jesus shows up at the Addiction Ministry, and I see Him work miracles, He heals, He restores, He delivers, and He still Saves! Lives are changed by the power of His blood, and at just the mention of His name, demons flee, spirits are cast away, and people are made whole.

Bondage is real, sin is real. Addictions are real, and they aren't limited to drugs and alcohol.

I invite you to come meet with us, this ministry was designed to help those who are addicted, and to help and encourage the family members of those who are addicted.

We meet every Tuesday night at 6:30-8:30 at the Presbyterian Church in Monroe, Windsor Street. we have a time of fellowship, music lead by Richard Parker, and myself with special guests occasionally, there is a time of preaching and teaching followed by small group time where YOU get to talk and discuss how the message is applicable to YOUR life, and setting You up for success in Jesus name! Pair up with other women or men and be mentored, be held accountable, and study God's truths at a deeper level.
If anything please pray for this ministry. Pray for our leaders, pray for those who come. Pray many more will come so that they can find new life in Christ and be set free.
God Bless.
Romans 7


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