Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas to my readers here on "The Music Corner." Christmas is my most favorite season of the entire year! For the past few years, however, it's been a little sad. Life changes have occurred, I've gotten older, my brother has gotten older, and the Christmas traditions we grew up with aren't our traditions anymore. These past few years getting into the Christmas Spirit has been harder and harder to the point of where we almost don't celebrate at all. I've been pretty sick over the past 2 weeks and haven't had the energy to decorate much or pull out things from the attic. But yesterday, it happened. What a joy decorations bring, the memories bring happiness. As I laid my head down last night the Lord spoke so gently to my heart, "Celebrate me!" Simple in words, but oh what a huge meaning! It's all for Jesus! There is nothing wrong in gift giving, or decorating, or anything we do at this time of year. It's one huge big party for Jesus!
Celebrate Jesus! He was born, He lived, He died a death to pay our price, He rose victorious from the grave, He ascended into Heaven where He rules and reigns at the Right Hand of the Father. Sing carols joyfully from Your heart to our King of kings. Give joyfully the gifts God has given you. Love joyfully with the love He first loved you with. Smile, laugh, clap your hands, rejoice Jesus was born! And He lives forever, and ever, and ever, and ever! Hallelujah!

Here are some decorations from around the house:

Christmas Eve Dinner

This is me in 4th grade.  

Our huge 7 ft FAT tree!  IT'S SO FUN!

Love, Allison and Millie the Dog


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