The Faithful Servant

Just this past week my church celebrated our 10th year in doing our Christmas production, "An Indian Trail Christmas." It is such a joy to be apart of. This was my 5th year, each passing year gets sweeter and sweeter. We do a Biblical drama as well as a modern day drama that teaches the real meaning of Christmas from an everyday life standpoint. Each year something in the Biblical drama speaks to me, and it's different every year. For this year it was the wise men scene where they bring gifts to the toddler Jesus. Their majesty caught me this year, they were kings, they were dressed in the finest robe, accompanied by many servants and brought gifts of high expense to Jesus. I was most touched by these men of majesty bowing before Jesus, a peasant toddler. This Jesus, the King of kings, and Lord of lords, who was in Heaven in all His majesty and splendor, sitting upon His throne with a crown of the most precious jewels upon His head, angels worshiping Him day and night exclaiming Holy, Holy, Holy! Who was, and is, and is to come! He is now a baby, God incarnate. What gift is fitting for the King? As glorious as the wise men were, their gifts did not compare to, nor measure up to the worth of this baby. The shepherds were poor and lowest of the low, they had nothing to bring Him the night of His birth. Surprisingly enough there are somethings that these 2 very diverse people groups have in common.
One thing I have learned and experienced is that we become one in Jesus. The richest to the poorest, we are all equal in His eyes, and as one body we worship the King. We are all sinners, we all are in need of Jesus' blood to cover us. You see we believe at times that if we do enough works, and sacrifice enough, it makes God love us more, and it will please Him, and we feel like we have accomplished something in the spiritual realm. While yes, these things are good, before a Holy God they are but filthy rags if not done in the right Spirit of worship, there is something more Jesus seeks from us. That is complete surrender and obedience. A surrender that says to God, "Take me, all of me, and replace it with all of You so that I might obey in the right way, and a way that makes my works, and sacrifice pleasing to You." When we give Him our everything, He gives us Himself which is everything and more!
That is what the Maji, and Shepherds had in common. They both obeyed and went to worship Jesus, leaving their sheep, leaving their land and the wise men their kingdom. They proclaimed Jesus as King, and bowed in honor and worship.
Our faithfulness is not measured by all the works we can perform or how much we sacrifice but by our obedience and daily surrender in all circumstances first and foremost. You because anyone can do works, and anyone can sacrifice but there are few who are willing to obey, and surrender. That is what makes our works pleasing to God, and our sacrifices.
I cannot wait for the day when I hear Him say: "Well done good and faithful servant."


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