Distracted to Jesus

Majesty, Lord of all. Let every throne before Him fall.
The King of kings, O come adore. Our God who reigns forever more.
All hail, Redeemer, hail. For He has died for me
His praise and glory shall not fail, throughout eternity.

As the Supreme Court is in session to determine what marriage really is, Social Media has been in an uproar, it has exploded with hurtful words, inundated with pictures, completely overtaken by hate. I'm just as guilty in jumping in on the conversations, and arguing the same points I have all these years. It sucks you in, and leaves you disgusted, empty, and feeling beat up.
As I sit pondering on the day quietly with all distractions turned off thoughts started to flood my head, and it became very apparent that all that is going on in the supreme court, or in Washington DC, it's all a distraction. Satan's plan worked! Not only are we distracted, but I believe we abuse God's Word. Though we might be trying to prove a point, throwing it in others face is not so tactful.
It's so hard to know where the line is. Are my Words full of Christ's? Is it graceful and full of salt? Am I exposing Jesus? Am I jeprodizing relationships with non believers? Is this worth getting all worked up and angry over?
I keep turning over and over again to the wise words of a woman in my life concerning people, and not letting my anger lash out at them. But that I might love them. My words cannot be full of hate, nor my actions, but I, and we must love people to Jesus. This is not accomplished by arguing and fighting...I wish I could learn this faster. Tonight in my time with my mentor I learned, and was reminded that Spiritual Growth Requires Time. Time with God, and time for God to work in us and change us. His time is not our time. This grows patience in us.
I pray to be distracted to Jesus. That when anger rises up in me I will go to Him, and His Word. That I will continuously make the conscience decision to keep God's throne at the center of my Worship to Him. When this is the case discrepancies and arguments grow pale. The well known and well loved hymn, Crown Him with Many Crowns was written by 2 diverse songwriters. It was originally written by Matthew Bridges a Catholic in 1848. Then in 1874 an Anglican clergyman thought the verses of the song contained to much catholic doctrine, so Godfry Thring wrote 6 new verses. In all there are 12 stanzas:
1. Crown Him with many crowns, the Lamb upon His throne...
2. Crown Him the virgin's Son, the God incarnate born...
3. Crown Him the Lord of love, behold His hands and side...
4. Crown Him the Lord of peace, Whose power a scepter sways...
5. Crown Him the Lord of years, the Potentate of time...
6. Crown Him the Lord of Heaven, one with the Father known...
7. Crown Him crowns of gold...
8. Crown Him the Son of God, before the worlds began...
9. Crown Him the Lord of Light...
10. Crown Him the Lord of life, who triumphed over the grave...
11. Crown Him the Lord of lords, who over all doth reign...
12. Crown Him the Lord of Heaven, enthroned in worlds above...
When our gaze is fixed on the throne and crowning HIM with many crowns we find that we are capable of loving those around us-lost people. That has been my deepest desire, and I loose sight of that. I so desire for God to use me to reach those who need Him. I can only do that by keeping my gaze fixed on Jesus, much like Peter when He stepped out into the stormy sea.

His glories now we sing, Who died and rose on high.
Who died eternal life to bring, and lives that death may die.

Father, I'm so sorry for the times that I loose sight of you. When I get caught up in the things around me, and I allow my anger to fuel me. When I get in my flesh, and so quickly get out of Your Spirit. I'm so sorry for abusing your Word, your precious words. Father, I never want to throw your Word around. Teach me to use it correctly. Give me the strength to rise above all the noise, and all the confusion and set my eyes on You, to come into your presence and You show me what to do, instead of what I want to do. Help me to love those you love with the greatest kind of love, Yours. I love because you loved me first, Father. May my words honor You, may my life honor You. It's been such a test this week. Thank you for the example you are to me, thank you for the gifts you give me in people to teach me, and be an example I can see. Thank you that they love me, and lead me by Your Word.
You are the righteous judge of all, Father. You are the truth, you are the way, you are the life. Thank you that you opened my eyes, and forgave me of my past. Because I know my past, I know you are not limited to saving certain people, I'm thankful. All power is in Your hands. Power is in my hands, and in my mouth. Guide both in your righteousness.
Help me not be so concerned to make a point, as I am leading people to You.
You are Worthy to receive all of my Worship, You are crowned with many crowns. I fall before your throne so unworthy, but I so long to be in Your presence. To bury my head in my Almighty's lap, to worship you, and receive Your anointing to do Your work Father. Empower me to expose you to a lost people. I love you, Father. In Jesus' name. Amen.


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