My Prayer for Freedom

My Father in Heaven-
You made me. Nothing is hidden from you. Where can I go, and You not find me? What can I say, and You not know? You know everything about me. So you know that I struggle and face temptations. I am at times enticed by these things I used to do. But Father, today I acknowledge and confess to you that it is sin, and nothing else. When I go through with this sin, I commit it against you, and You alone, Father. In doing so I have grieved Your heart, and I am so sorry, I repent of my ways, and turn from them toward You. It is in You where I find strength to stand firm in what I believe. I refuse to be moved off Your promises to me. I submit to you, and commit to obey Your Word. I renounce my past, and claim Your blood, and Your forgiveness over my life, and over the things holding me. You said in Your Word that I will know the truth, and the truth will set me free. You are the way, the truth, and the life. Let me encounter Your truths, teach me to appropriate the power that is in me. You have made me new, the old is gone. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for Your forgiveness. Teach me to forgive and love, and accept like You. I'm guilty of harboring bitterness, and unforgiveness. This gives Satan a mighty foothold which does not lead to full freedom in You. Father, through You I forgive them. Melt my hard heart. Help me to keep forgiving. I want to be free! You are my Master. I ask and pray all these things, in Jesus Name. Amen!


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