Why This Christian Still Hangs at Starbucks

"How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” -Romans 10:14-15
So Starbucks hasn't been so Christian. They are very liberal, and support things that are anti-Christian values. The CEO even said He didn't want Christians coming to Starbucks. But this Christian still goes to Starbucks. Why? Well, why not?! Why would I isolate myself and the hope that lives within me from people who need to see it and experience it? The CEO ain't got nothing on Jesus. When I came to Portland this summer one of the ways I did out reach was at Starbucks, and now that I've moved here I still go to Starbucks. I keep Pastor Keith up to date about my encounters and how God is using me there to show kindness to people. Remember that it's the kindness of the Lord that leads to repentance. Why stay where I'm accepted? Did Jesus not command to go into all the World? Even Starbucks. There have been lots of missionaries to go to other countries where Christians are put to death. The least I can do in America is take a little criticism from the CEO of Starbucks. I don't appreciate my dollars going to support things I don't agree with. I think it's safe to say though that there's a lot I don't appreciate my tax dollars supporting too! Sometimes we just don't have a say. I do have control over my Christian life, and I can choose Jesus. I choose Him when I go into places where I can be His witness and shine Him. I choose Him because He chose me, a sinner. You know, Jesus was the friend of sinners, He hung out with them. I feel like that's what I do when I hang out at Starbucks with my Bible and actively reach people. I'm reaching for the tax collector who robbed people, I'm reaching for the people who have no home, for the people who are deemed untouchable. That's another thing about Jesus, He touched people. People need His touch. He touches them through me and you.
Go to the places that don't necessarily open their arms to you. There is a time to be embraced, but there is also a time to go out into the unknown, and where what you believe is challenged.
Something my pastor here in the PDX teaches a lot is "leave, go, and bless." Often we settle in our own ways of thinking, and how we've always done it, and why I shouldn't leave, go, and bless that person! While there is a cost to obedience whatever that may look like, there is also a cost of disobeying. There is a cost to staying in our comfort zones, my pastor taught Sunday. Are we dying in the settled life? One of Satan's strongholds is living a life of comfort. It is when opportunities come along and we don't take them because we want to stay in our comfort zone. This is exactly where Satan wants you. I have equated it in my mind as hospice. Satan's goal is to keep us comfortable as we slowly die spiritually. Don't let him pump you up with things that temporarily numb your pain, and temporarily comfort you. Don't be so deceived, dear Christian. Instead become alive in the truth of who Jesus is in you. Tear down the strongholds, step out in faith and experience the things God has in store for you. God Bless you as you seek Him, and find Him in places you least expect...even Starbucks. Our God is present everywhere.


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