Where Hope is Born

Can you write a hymn of praise at this moment, an instant falling from your lips?  Your heart is so full that there is no effort needed to expand your lungs and empty them of praise.  Maybe right now you are in lament, and all the words that can fall are in forms of tears asking God to be merciful.  There is a powerful song and lyric that contrasts each other when a heart of praise and joy collides with sorrow and tears.  It is where hope is born. Whatever praise collides with in our lives, hope is there.  

I began my work week with a panic attack, thankfully a co-worker was there to calm me down.  By the end of the work week, I was praising more than I was panicking.  When life feels like a choppy sea, quiet yourself and sing praises to God!  My personal Psalm of praise looked like this in a text to a friend:

"I'll finally get this closing binder finished that I've been working on, the last of the documents come today, Praise the Lord! 

This deposition we've been hosting will be over, Praise the Lord! 

I'll get my Staples order put away, Praise the Lord!

And my office will be ship shape, Praise the Lord!"

It's the small, everyday things in life that we can find a note of praise in.  The thankfulness of completing a task, and the blessing of doing the task.  Make everything in your life bow to God, this is done by acknowledging God in all things.  This is how hope is breathed into your all things.  


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