The Motions
Casting Crowns - Set Me Free .mp3 Found at bee mp3 search engine I heard a table full of guys at school talking today. I was listening in, of course. They were talking about how they felt like they went through the motions at church anymore, like how they couldn't get excited about God anymore, and how it didn't have any meaning for them anymore. It broke my heart, one, because I could identify with them, and two, because already at a young age God was becoming uninteresting to them. So being the deep thinker I am, I got to thinking why we go through the motions of church? Does it really get that boring? Are we really that unattached? Then I thought the awesome sermon my pastor preached yesterday, it wasn't anything I had never studied for myself, but it's good to be reminded what a good worship service is like. We were in what I call "the joyful book" Nehemiah 8. Here is what my pastor highlighted based on this chapter....yes you need to go read i...