Faith Believing Obedience

"In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes." -Judges 17:6 One of the problems the children of Israel had was going back and forth from monotheism(belief in one God) to polytheism(belief in more than one god). Though the God of Israel was with them and met with them, and provided, and directed, and loved His children, they still rebelled. It's easy for us to read this today and think how stupid were these people?! We can clearly see God among His people, lavishing them with love, yet, for some reason they would sacrifice to other gods, and worship idols, and forget about the God who brought them out of bondage and slavery. But, I ask you, are we any different? Selah. Was the children of Israel's problem a faith problem? Or was it more of an obedience problem? It was both. It's not that they didn't believe in God, but they didn't want to obey. I heard this analogy given recently. Imagine your ...