
Showing posts from November, 2008


Have you ever played with a Whee-lo? This is the most popular toy in my family when we all gather together. It has been in our family probably since it was released in the early 1950's. All the grandchildren have found it be most entertaining we still play with it to this day. Who would have guessed such a simple toy would last for 40 years in a family entertaining children and adults alike? We've still got the original from the 50's. I'm sure all the grandchildrens children will play with it as well. They don't make them as good as they use to. You can find them at Cracker Barrel. Maggie Magnetic, Inc. produced the first Whee-Lo toys in the early 1950’s. The toy was very straightforward in its design, consisting of a red plastic wheel with a magnetized axle and a j-shaped, two-pronged piece of curved wire. Just this same, this minimalistic setup offered plenty of mesmerizing entertainment. The fun began when you placed the wheel within the wire loop, then a...

Day after Thanksgiving

The day after Thanksgiving. Can you believe My Aunt Anna, Aunt Linda, my cousin Laura, and myself got up and went shopping? What were we thinking, what's wrong with us? We got some door buster deals. I got up at 5:00 and they came and picked me up at 6:15. We started at Michael's, then went to Koals, the line was horrendous in there and we just left. We had good luck in Old Navy, I found a few things in there for church. My Aunt Linda is so good to me, all my family takes care of me. I'm glad...I'll return the favor someday, I'll take care of them in their old age. They're still young. We went one other place I don't remember the name, there was a bunch of make-up in there and shampoo and conditioner, and hair stuff. Then we went to Mickydees and ate some breakfast. Then Grandmama put us to work...I'm happy to help my Grandmama in anyway I can. We raked leaves thats an endless job. We got the majority of it done. Then I crashed and slept for a ...

Thanksgiving....Gobble, Gobble!!

I do hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving week, full of special memories with family and friends. We here in Kingsport Tennessee party hard. Had a wonderful time with each other. Actually all week I've been sick, fighting allergies and sinuses for one and Monday I was throwing up...nice I know sorry for the details. That's bad to have before Thanksgiving of all times. My Aunt was also sick this week so we kinda took it east on the eating tried to not do to much damage, it's hard to say to no to good food!! We had about 22 people at my Grandmamas. We were pretty tight in this house but I love it. I love to be close to my family and those I love and just feel the love. It's chaotic around here sort of all the women tend to all try to fit in the kitchen, and all the men are either outside throwing football or watching it. We have a normal menu we do every year...have it down to a science. Of course we eat Turkey, a good ole' Tennessee ham, squash and zucin...

My Cousin Ben

This is my cousin Ben, the one who left for the Marine Corps last month. Doesn't he look so good? We are so soo soooo proud of Ben. We sure did miss him a lot this Thanksgiving but we received a nice note from him so the whole family could read it and my Uncle has been keeping us posted on Ben on a website sort of like a blog. We've never had a Marine in our family before, we've had Army, Navy, Air Force, that I can remember. What an honor to be related to someone who has fought for our beautiful country God has so grately blessed us with.

Josh McDowell

Tuesday we got to see Josh McDowell at our church. He was fantastic! He had a lot of good things to say. In the first part he talked apologetics to us, why we believe what we believe. It was very interesting to hear what he said about it. I'll give you all his websites for you to check out and even see the powerpoint presentations we saw. He's old, but he doesn't act it by any means. He had on some funky shoes, oh and best of all he drives a yellow jeep! Hollar! Here are his websites you can checkout. He is a very wise person.

Singing in Columbia

So our choir took another trip this fall to Columbia South Carolina, remember last time we went to Wake Forest. We sang at a Pastors Conference hosted by Trinity Baptist Church on the outskirts of Columbia in Cayce, SC. Columbia isn't that far from Charlotte, only a 2 hour drive. For some reason though it was more exhausting. We all crammed on one bus that was not fun for me because I like my space and I guess more than anything I was disappointed I didn't get to sit with my friend...but it's okay I need to learn to like people and get to know others. I just hate to keep telling my story and about gets old. The service on the other hand was amazing. I loved seeing all the pastors faces light up with encouragement and inspiration. I still get inspired listening to ourselves. I wasn't as excited as I was at Wake Forest for some reason I was really sleepy and my allergies and sinuses were messed up. The preaching wasn't as memorable for me as Wake Forest wa...

And The Next President of The United States is......

Well, no doubt I personally am dissapointed that Barack Obama won. I was really hoping John McCain and Sarah Palin could pull it off. But deep inside of me I knew Obama would win. The problem with Obama though is he is nothing but a "rockstar" he has never really made sense his whole campaign and has done nothing more that portray himself as a Messiah. I believe John McCain and Sarah Palin could have Changed America. But America has become an ignorant nation. We have become a nation that has totally done away with Jesus and the morals that this great country was built on. We put Jesus out of our schools, we tried to put Him out of our pledge to the American flag. I believe myself that God has given America what it has asked for and deserves. We took God out of this great country he has blessed so richly, and he is paying America back. But we cannot loose hope! Our hope is in Jesus, the one who has overcome the world. Brothers and Sisters in Christ we serve a resur...

"Amazing Grace", The Movie

I watched an Amazing movie last night. I normally see movies for the first time when they are like a year old or 2, most people are like that's an old movie! But I saw Amazing Grace, the story of William Wilberforce and his fight to end Slave Trade in Britan. It is a very moving story and movie and I highly recommend you see it. Amazing Grace is a song written by John Newton a preacher. John was a former slave trader himself until God opened his eyes to the truth inspiring the line in the song, "..I once was blind but now I see.." William Wilderforce never quit fighting, he never quit talking about it. In the end it pays off. One man changed the world, one man made a revolution. I don't want to give a lot of the movie away. It is a good history lesson as well as a very religous and spiritual movie that brings the song "Amazing Grace" to a whole new meaning. As you watch the movie a few good verses to keep in mind are, Matthew 6:5-7and 1 Timothy cha...