
Showing posts from December, 2012

Nearing Home

Today I went to our local Christian bookstore. I love bookstores, if I could I would live there. It's exciting to pick up a book. On this particular day Billy Graham's newest book, "Nearing Home" found its way into my hands. I sat down to read the first few pages and my heart was gripped by the words spoken by this frail but strong man of God. His faith, and hope in his last days here on earth. What a gift his life has been, as I continued to read I could almost here the shake in his voice, and the vision of his frail hands writing the message God had given him one more time. The introduction reads like this: I never thought I would live to be this old. All my life I was taught how to die as a Christian, but no one ever taught me how I ought to live in the years before I die. I wish they had because I am an old man now, and believe me, it’s not easy. Whoever first said it was right: old age is not for sissies. Get any group of older people together, and I ca...

A Christmas Epiphany (feeling kind)

Epiphanies according to Wikipedia(college no-no) is an experience of sudden and striking realization. Generally the term is used to describe breakthrough scientific, religious or philosophical discoveries, but it can apply in any situation in which an enlightening realization allows a problem or situation to be understood from a new and deeper perspective. It's also a Christian holiday celebrated on January 6th, but that is a whole other subject, a very interesting one that I shall blog about on January 6th....I guess. Today I watched the movie, "It's a Wonderful Life." Many families make it apart of their Christmas tradition every year. I hadn't seen the movie in 15+ years, but really enjoyed it. I dozed here and there, and was rejoice-full when it finally ended. However, as I sit here reflecting on the day, and in thinking of the message of this movie how thankful I am for my Savior and for my guardian angel through life. There have been many times like the mai...

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas to my readers here on "The Music Corner." Christmas is my most favorite season of the entire year! For the past few years, however, it's been a little sad. Life changes have occurred, I've gotten older, my brother has gotten older, and the Christmas traditions we grew up with aren't our traditions anymore. These past few years getting into the Christmas Spirit has been harder and harder to the point of where we almost don't celebrate at all. I've been pretty sick over the past 2 weeks and haven't had the energy to decorate much or pull out things from the attic. But yesterday, it happened. What a joy decorations bring, the memories bring happiness. As I laid my head down last night the Lord spoke so gently to my heart, "Celebrate me!" Simple in words, but oh what a huge meaning! It's all for Jesus! There is nothing wrong in gift giving, or decorating, or anything we do at this time of year. It's one hug...

On Eagles Wings

The other day my brother and I went to see The Hobbit. We have The Lord of the Ring trilogy, and have had many marathons in watching it from mission trips to just hanging out at home. I love how there is a picture of good and evil and the parallels it has with Jesus and His Kingdom. I got overly excited toward the end of the movie as in all of The Lord of the Ring movies when the Eagles come in to rescue the little hobbits and dwarfs. I love it! I clapped, and said Praise the Lord! When the battle raged and they were surrounded by the enemy, when there was no way out, and the flame was about to engulf them the eagles came and flew high above the storm to the safety of the highest rock. David proclaimed in Psalm: My heart was so filled in that moment to think back on all the scripture how my Savior and Rescuer will hide me under His wings, how He will protect me, how He will hide me in the cleft of the rock and cover me with His hand. I started singing, "I Will Rise" ...

The Faithful Servant

Just this past week my church celebrated our 10th year in doing our Christmas production, "An Indian Trail Christmas." It is such a joy to be apart of. This was my 5th year, each passing year gets sweeter and sweeter. We do a Biblical drama as well as a modern day drama that teaches the real meaning of Christmas from an everyday life standpoint. Each year something in the Biblical drama speaks to me, and it's different every year. For this year it was the wise men scene where they bring gifts to the toddler Jesus. Their majesty caught me this year, they were kings, they were dressed in the finest robe, accompanied by many servants and brought gifts of high expense to Jesus. I was most touched by these men of majesty bowing before Jesus, a peasant toddler. This Jesus, the King of kings, and Lord of lords, who was in Heaven in all His majesty and splendor, sitting upon His throne with a crown of the most precious jewels upon His head, angels worshiping Him day and n...

Faith in the Watchtower

Though Habakkuk is both perplexed and pained by the suffering and injustice in the world, his frustration does not lead him not into a bitter state of accusing God of evil. Rather, it drives him to God in prayerful inquiry, which is a wise example for us all in times of darkness and doubt because many things are hidden in Gods’ understanding alone, causing our speculation to be mere vanity. God then responds by telling Habakkuk that His plan was to permit the ruthless and godless nation of Babylon to invade His people as discipline for their continual evil. You see, God has a plan. He see's everything, He is the ultimate watchmen. It’s not like God is in heaven going, “I just can’t tolerate it. It’s just way too much. I made the man and the woman. Next thing I know, they’re naked and doing crazy things. I had no idea it would come to this. I just can’t bear it.” We'd be in big trouble if God kept turning His back on us every 3 seconds, and I would forget to repent every 3 se...

Watchmen in the Tower

“Son of man, I have appointed you as a watchman for Israel. Whenever you receive a message from me, warn people immediately. Then the Lord took hold of me and said, “Get up and go out into the valley, and I will speak to you there.” So I got up and went, and there I saw the glory of the Lord, just as I had seen in my first vision by the Kebar River. And I fell face down on the ground. Then the Spirit came into me and set me on my feet. He spoke to me and said, “Go to your house and shut yourself in. There, son of man, you will be tied with ropes so you cannot go out among the people. And I will make your tongue stick to the roof of your mouth so that you will be speechless and unable to rebuke them, for they are rebels. But when I give you a message, I will loosen your tongue and let you speak. Then you will say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says!’ Those who choose to listen will listen, but those who refuse will refuse, for they are rebels." -Ezekial 3:17,22-27 Go...