A Different Kind of Bondage

"Be sure to carry out the work the Lord gave you. Remember my chains. May the grace of God be with you." -Colossians 4:17-18 Before we get too comfortable with the idea of being free, and the chains being gone, consider a different kind of bondage. Consider the life God calls us too. While, yes, it's a good thing to be free from Satan's power and hold, we are then bound to the power and are held by Christ. St. Patrick, in his prayer known as the Breastplate , prayed in every line that he "bound unto himself" the things of Christ. Maybe we should pray the same. We are not freed to do whatever we want to. As I said a few post's ago in Why Be Free? we are free to complete the mission God gave us, much like the children of Israel. Paul was urging Archippus in verse 17 to do that very thing, "carry out the work the Lord gave you." Sometimes in carrying out the Lord's work it literally means being bound in chains. Colossians was w...