My Grandmama
My Aunt Anna wrote this special story about my Grandmother. I was just wanted to share, because I am right proud of my grandmama and love her very much. What a blessing to have her in my life. "The Missing Stopper" My Mama has a small cruet she once used for storing vinegar. It has a glass stopper that fits loosely in the spout, so it’s easy to control the flow when pouring vinegar on her greens. Recently, she got that little cruet out again, pulling it out from the upper storage cabinets in her kitchen. But the stopper wasn’t with it. My Mama is 84, and the exact location of things isn’t always easy for her to remember. For days she looked in cabinets and drawers, but…no stopper. So in order to close up the spout, she resorted to a rolled-up piece of paper towel. For most folks, that would solve the problem, but, well, you have to know my Mama – she just doesn’t give up on things! This missing stopper continued to nag at her – where ...