......my life worth nothing.....

"But my life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus- the work of telling others the Good News about God's wonderful kindness and love." -Acts 20:24 The beginning of the church as we see in Acts and a continuation of Jesus' ministry. We are united in the Holy Spirit in proclaiming the gospel. We can contrast this with the Tower of Babel in Genesis where the people wanted to build a tower to the heavens and stay united with each other. God was not pleased and it was there that He confused their language and sent them to separate nations. So now we see in Acts where God is now uniting us in His Spirit and speak the common language of the gospel. Everything that happens in the church is because of the Holy Spirit, and the people who are led by the Holy Spirit. It is not just some tradition. However it is easy to get off track in our ministries because we do still live under the curse of sin and our focus tends to shift ...