
Showing posts from December, 2013

Keeping Old Out of New

Just a short post today. I really didn't intend for this to sound New Year soundish, but I guess it's okay if it does. This is something I've been encountering over and over in my time home from Portland, and even while being in Portland. I will find myself thinking, "I wish I had this from home, or could bring that." For instance over and over I had wanted a thousand times my notebook packed full of music that I used to do with my band. Or I've wanted to bring all my Indian Trail Christmas music and CD's. Things like that. However, as I pause and reflect on what He is taking me through right now, I realize these things can become a hindrance to growth. Sometimes this can be in the form of relationships too. Some are good to keep for a lifetime and from place to place, it depends on what the situation is. If they are sending you out and support you keep them! You need them, and the encouragement they will bring to your life as you go! However, ...

The Prodigal Christmas

This Christmas I've been praying fervently for, and remembering missionaries. Until I really became a missionary and having been on the field I never knew or gave much thought to those who have left what they've known, and loved to spread the gospel. But this Christmas, that is all that has been on my heart. From India to Cambodia to Ecuador to Canada, I have missionary friends in all these places. One of the missionaries challenge is to learn the culture and what ministers deeply to the hearts there. It's a new way of thinking. We can't so much invade their culture with ours and expect to win them to Christ. That's the whole reason we go. To be about them. What do they need to hear, and see and experience in a fresh way that will lead them to Christ. While Jesus isn't American, we have Americanized Him no doubt, it puts walls up. I've been touched to think about the story a missionary friend who served in Korea for many years told me not long ...

Gifts that aren't Wrapped

In my quest and efforts to live above the sun and not for things under the sun, I have found today to challenge me in that respect. I'm still human and enjoy things. Since God called me to be a missionary; to sell all I have and follow Him, He has changed me a lot. I'm learning to embrace things that can't be wrapped. This has been one of the greatest Christmases ever. While I didn't find many things wrapped under the tree, I have received so much this season that will last forever. Things that I can take with me to Heaven, and treasure that is stored there as well. Before I left for Portland this summer a very precious and dear woman to me, she's a mother in the Lord, said she wanted to bring me home Christmas. So she and other sisters in the Lord worked to bring me home. What a gift! They are a gift to me. My family is a gift to me. Sweet tea! Mamas cooking! Everywhere I turn around I find a gift. The gift of music, and a song to write. I could not...

He Sought Diligently with Tears

"...lest there be any fornicator or profane person like Esau, who for one morsel of food sold his birthright. For you know that afterward, when he wanted to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place for repentance, though he sought it diligently with tears." -Hebrews 12:16-17 This morning in my quiet time I focused in on this one verse, and it has been with me all today. When we allow God to lead our quiet time with Him...the morning watch as Andrew Murray calls it...we find jewels of blessing. Often times we don't allow God to lead our time with Him, we have our countless books, and and are weighted down with what we HAVE to read. While that's cool and all, it is possible for our quiet times with God to become an idol, a burden, and a guilt trip, and just religious jargon. This is not what God intended for us in spending time with Him. The mornings when I finally die to myself and focus on Him I find His beauty and promise. I find my time ...

Just Getting Started

On the plane flying into Chicago from Portland I had a very close time with my Father. Though delirious, tired, and with a glazed look on my face I somehow was still able to hear what my Father was telling me as I opened His Word. Thousands of feet in the air I look down on His creation, and the wonder of getting to meet with its Creator was astounding. I've been churning the wise words in my heart and mind from a woman who has come along side of me in Portland, and has helped me in so many ways in this time of transition. God never ceases to place strong women of faith in my life, I'm so thankful. One of the things she reminded me of is that I'm just getting started in what God has laid out for me. That what is behind is behind, and what defines me is not what I've done, but what He has done, and done in me. As I chewed on her words, and allowed God to help me see and apply, and grasp the truths of my friends words He reminded me of a few things. I couldn'...

Why This Christian Still Hangs at Starbucks

"How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” -Romans 10:14-15 So Starbucks hasn't been so Christian. They are very liberal, and support things that are anti-Christian values. The CEO even said He didn't want Christians coming to Starbucks. But this Christian still goes to Starbucks. Why? Well, why not?! Why would I isolate myself and the hope that lives within me from people who need to see it and experience it? The CEO ain't got nothing on Jesus. When I came to Portland this summer one of the ways I did out reach was at Starbucks, and now that I've moved here I still go to Starbucks. I keep Pastor Keith up to date about my encounters and how God is using me there to show kindness to people. ...

The Fulfillment Factor

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." -2 Timothy 3:16-17 As we are in this Christmas season we consider the verses and prophecies that Jesus fulfilled when He came as a baby. The prophet Isaiah foretold of Christ's birth. In Matthews gospel we read over and over that "Jesus fulfilled." In His obedience to come as a baby, He had to learn obedience as He grew. Jesus read the Scriptures and knew His Fathers words, we too read the scriptures and know the Fathers Words. Specifically, His Word is addressing each life individually. So the question we must ask ourselves, "Is my life fulfilling the scriptures?" All of life is set on the course of being restored to a faith believing obedience. We do not read the Bible to increase in our knowledge, though it does, but to guide our conduct. Fulfilled proph...

Identified by Christ

"Both the One who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters." -Hebrews 2:11 Last week I was asked the question that moved me so much that I've spent a lot of time meditating on the its truth, and what this verse above is really saying. The question was this: Why do you think Jesus is not ashamed to be of the same family with us? This is an interesting verse to compare against the verse that is quoted all the time of Jesus being ashamed of us before His Father(Luke 12:8). I've spent a lot of my life thinking Jesus is so ashamed of me, and wondering why He would even look my way again. Even now from time to time I try to hide from my God, my Maker, in my guilt and my shame...embarrassed in my sin...but He looks for me. Just like with our first parents in the garden, God came down even in their sin and sought them out. He's not ashamed, He's full of grace and love from ...