Religion or Jesus?

For the past week now I've had the thought that in our Christian lives are we more religious and caught up in our activities than actually being Christ to those who come in our path. An example is last week as I was leaving work on a Sunday trying to get to church in time for homecoming. I saw one of my co-workers walking home after a long day at work. Should I have stopped and taken her somewhere instead of rushing to church? Many of these such occasions have arisen.
The main essence of it all is, are we in to much of a hurry to notice people? Are we too caught up in doing church rather than BEING the church. Are we like the religious leaders back in Jesus' day priding ourselves in church attendance while condemning Jesus for helping a man? How many opportunities have we missed to serve others? Of course it is important to be in church, it is commanded in the Bible that we do not forsake the meeting together of the body. But even so, scripture also says to serve others, that we entertain angels in disguise. That whatever we do unto the least of these we have done unto HIM!
What did Jesus put the most emphases on? What did He doe most in His ministry? What does he expect from us? How about if the tables were turned? Really, the bigger question could be, what does the world know about Christians? We have a label, and are known for being helpful and nice...sometimes. There are times we are known for not being so nice, maybe it's because of just this.
Just something to ponder on as I have for the past several days.


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